
Showing posts from April, 2022


 Today we did another quiz which was from letter 11 to 15 I believe. It was kind of hard but it wasn’t really. There was two questions I didn’t really understand but I got through them. As we were working we saw smoke outside but we found out the fire extinguisher was knocked down. We had to go outside it was a crazy day.


 Today we took a quiz on the first five letters of the color purple. I got only 2 right and it’s going it the grade book. I honestly got most of them wrong because I didn’t comprehend the questions well enough. This quiz was 5 questions long but I tried what I could.

Color purple

 Today we continued reading the book color purple. This book makes me feel uneasy so I hope we don’t have to read any parts out loud, I’m not comfortable doing that. The book has some graphic scenes that are deeply described and I don’t like to imagine them. Hopefully he reads the book or has the audio version play the book for us.

Write about all the secrets that have been kept from you

 I don’t know if any secrets kept from me. There may be secrets kept from me which may be why I don’t know about them. If they are kept from me, and their for my own good then I believe they should stay kept from me. If these secrets are something that isn’t protecting me then I feel like I should know. Hopefully there really aren’t any secrets.

Write about what you used to know how to do

 I don’t think there’s anything I can’t do that I used to be able to do. Everything I used to do, I’m still able to do today. I do know that in the future some of the things I can do now, I won’t be able to do. Something I feel like I may forget how to do is a split, I may lose my flexibility. I know there’s older women who are flexible at their age, more flexible than me. they tend to stretch to maintain their flexibility. Hopefully one day I’ll keep my stretching maintained so I can then keep my flexibility maintained.

Write about something you don’t exactly remember

 Something I don’t Really remember is a few of my dreams. Crazy enough, the dreams I don’t remember, even though I don’t remember them, they were my best dreams. I sometimes remember flashes of the dream hut then nothing else comes from that. Recently I haven’t had any dreams, but most of the time when I do, my dreams are horror related. It usually rare for me to have an actual happy dream. Maybe my dreams are always horror related because that is what I enjoy to watch.

Write about when you knew something was over (or had begun)

 Something I knew that had begun was my sports. When I was younger I had done cheer for 5 years straight. Cheer was fun until one day I just decided I didn’t want to do it anymore, I needed a break. After I was done I eventually got into cheering in middle school. I liked it but not as much as I used to when I was younger. I had also done track, but that was before cheering and I enjoyed that a lot. When I got in high school, I was thinking about cheering but I decided I didn’t really like it, so I joined gymnastics instead. The gymnastics season is over now, but I had fun in that too.

Write about a secret being revealed

Me personally, I haven’t experienced my secrets being revealed to anyone. I’ve told secrets to people but so far I haven’t heard my secret form someone I didn’t tell. Luckily my friends are able to keep secrets because some people aren’t. They may tell someone they think won’t tell, but then that person tells another, and the secrets just out. Hopefully one day I don’t hear my secret from someone I never told.

Write about someone you forgot

 Someone I forgot which is multiple people, is the students from my middle school. I didn’t forget them completely because I remember how they look, but I just don’t remember their names. I may not be able to spot them today because people do change a lot from 7th to 11th grade. I still recognize some people so maybe it won’t be so hard. Maybe one day I’ll run into them again.

Write about a time when you knew you were In troubel

 A time I knew I was in trouble was when I didn’t wash the dishes or clean the kitchen. I went to sleep that night without cleaning the kitchen, and I was saying I would do it the next morning. When I woke up that morning I STILL did not do it, I was just being lazy that day but I got consequences for it. I just left the house knowing that when she got back home I would just have to face whatever happened. Later that day when I got home my consequence was that she took my phone.

Write about something you can’t deny

 Something I know I can’t deny is that I have a bad eating habit. With the things I eat I feel like I should literally be about 300lbs right about now. I’ve been small all my life so maybe that’s why I eat the way I do, because nothing bad ever has happened from this eating problem. Even know nothing happens, I still know that it isn’t right and I will make a change to it because there’s a possibility that this could effect me later down the road, since I am young right now. I have started working out over the course of a few weeks so I’m guessing that’s a start.

Write about a gift that was not well recieved

 A gift that was not well received was on Christmas. My step dad which he isn’t my step dad anymore, got me a controller, or should I say “got me”. I say it in quotation marks because he really didn’t get it for me, it was just an old spare one he had. It was a ps4 controller l, I needed a new one because my old one wasn’t allowing me to use certain buttoned or run correctly in games, which is thanks to my brothers. When I got the controller from him I was excited to play my game when I got home. When did reach home, I tried to connect the controller but it would turn on so. I figured maybe it’s dead. I plugged up the controller to my ps4 charging station but still, nothing. I then thought maybe my charger is just broken, so I go try to charge it on my brothers charging station. When I plugged it up still, nothing happened. I then finally realized, he had given me a broken controller!!

Write about something you are certain of

 Something I am certain of is that I have a very lucky life. Many kids can’t say the same, which isn’t surprising to me at all since the way the world is as of now. Some kids grow of without parents, or in poverty, or just don’t have the right people to teach them what they need to know about the world. Not having these things could have a potentially negative effect on a persons life. I just hope things get better for people out there that struggle with those types of issues.

Write about a question you wished you’d asked

 I don’t think I have any questions I wish I’d asked anyone. I feel like when I have a question I ask it, I don’t never not ask about something. Sometimes I won’t ask if I feel like it’s not that important of a question, or if it’s honestly none of my business. That may be a time when I wish I’d asked something now that I think about it. Maybe in the future I’ll wish I asked someone a question.

Write about something that doesn’t get better

 Something that doesn’t get better is the thought that you could lose anyone any day any time or anywhere. You could lose a family member or a friend with just a blink of an eye. So far I’ve lost no one that was really close to me but I hope that doesn’t happen anytime soon. I don’t think about this all the time because you have to stay positive with the world we live in, but it is a thought that pops up after awhile, like after hearing the news, or about someone going missing. I just hope I’ll be able to handle whatever happens in the near future.

Write about what you’d planned to do

 Something I planned to do was go to prom this week. Sadly I was asked too late and the prom is tomorrow so I don’t know if I’m really capable of going or not. Today me and my mom are looking for a dress for me to wear, something dark blue or maybe black to match my prom date. This prom isn’t at this school though, it’s with a different student from a different school. Hopefully I’ll be able to go, only time will tell though.

Write about something too small/too big

 Something too small was my Guinea pigs cage. We got our Guinea pig in march of last year and we still have him today. When we got him he was very little and his cage was the perfect fit. Everything was fine for him until I started noticing he didn’t really have enough space in his cage. I noticed he would get stuck in places, or just didn’t have many options to choose from to go in his cage. My mom realized this too, and soon we ended up getting him a bigger cage where he is perfectly fine in. He’s able to run around and have more freedom.

Write about what you have too much of

 I don’t believe I have too much of anything. I believe I have everything I need and nothing more than that. I’m fed, have a home, good education, and a good family. I don’t think there’s anything I wish for more of or have too much of. Everything by I have right now is at the perfect amount. 

Write about something/someone being born.

My brother was born April 28th. My mom was in the delivery room for awhile because there were problems with him being able to come out. The doctors told my mom he was too big and that there would have to be a c-section done on her. They did the c-section and everything was fine, he got stronger and everyone was able to go home. After a week my grandma noticed something was wrong with his knee. When he was taken to the hospital we all found out he had a bone infection in his knee, which left a hole. The doctors were luckily able to stop it and his knee is now perfectly fine today.

Write about a time you’d dressed inappropriately for the occasion

 A time I dressed “inappropriately” was at school. I had on a body suit with a jacket and I didn’t think anything of it. One of the teachers made me go change into some school pants that I couldn’t even fit. They were too big and saggy. I didn’t understand why I got dress coded because I’ve seen so many other students wear a body suit but no teacher said nothing to them. The crazy thing is I got dress coded right in 3rd period, the day was almost ending so I didn’t even see a point in why it happened. I ended up taking them off in 4th period though I couldn’t walk around with big baggy pants.

Write a long thank you letter

 Dear teachers, family, friends, I thank you for helping me get through my life and teaching me things to move forward positively. Sometimes I may not like the things you say or do but they have helped me learn and grow. I realize I’m very lucky to have a family like I do because I could be anywhere else living a bad life. I have it easy but so many people don’t do I appreciate the people in my life right now.

Write about having no fun at all

 Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I had no fun at all. Yesterday I only got one hour of sleep and had to wake up for school but of course that was my fault. I stayed up until 5 something and had to wake up at 6, so I can’t tell if I actually even got any sleep. When I got to school we had to test and write an essay. That wasn’t fun, and then when I got to fourth period I got surprised with a whole bunch of work due by the end of next Friday. The work is stuff we already know but it seems like it’s in a different form and I can’t really understand it but I’m already on the 3rd lesson of the work. We have 7 lessons that need to be completed by the end of next Friday. I know I can finish that, but I also have to worry about the work in this class, extra credit. I missed a few blogs and a whole week worth of blogs but I feel like I can complete it all.