
Showing posts from February, 2022

Test day

 Today we took a test on fences. There were 20 questions which were pretty easy, but there was one that confused me. When it asked about the types of people the play speak about I thought it meant just exactly what type of people and not garbage workers. There was another question that I got correct but was incorrect on the test and I had to let my teacher know. Overall I think I got all the short responses correct. All in all I got a 2/20 which I think is a 90.

Logos ethos pathos

 Logos- logic/reason Ethos- ethics Pathos- emotions  We learned about the parts you should have for an argument and about the types of rhetorics. 


 Today we learned about arguments and that they should have evidence that comes behind them, otherwise the “argument” would keep going, and at that point it isn’t even an argument anymore.


 Today we went over some vocabulary words that are college standard. Some of the words I heard of but didn’t know the definition of. We will go over these words every Monday and take the test the next Monday.

Fences movie

 Today we watched the movie fences after reading the book. Watching the movie and reading the book are different, you can see the actions of the characters and the different emotions.

Fences ending

 Today we finished fences by August Wilson. In the end Troy eventually dies from death that catches him which we assumed was a heart attack. We learned that Cory went into army and got engaged. Lyonns went to jail for cashing other peoples checks.

Benchmark friday

 Today we finished the benchmark. I feel like I did good but maybe not the best I could have gotten. I’m just looking forward to see what happens when we get to 4th period.


 Today we took a benchmark. I feel kinda confident about it, I feel like I might at least have a C. I’m looking forward to 4th period though to see what we’re learning because we just finished unit 1.

Fences page 50

 Today we continued reading on the book by August Wilson. We learned that Cory troys son got recruited to football, but Troy isn’t willing to allow him to play. Troy wants Cory to find him a skill that won’t let him down.

Act one scene one characterization

  Today I’m tired and not ready for work. I have to get up everyday and meet some discriminating people, when all I’m trying to do is do my job and get the money that ima able to receive. Being black and working it’s not the best thing. We don’t get paid like the white men on the job and we’re not able to do the job service we want. I ideally wanted to work in the medical field but wasn’t able to get the spot I wanted because of my education. I go around my neighborhood picking up trash with my bare hands and it disgusts me but I need to support my family. I work here because it’s a job that I’ll most likely be accepted to, and I want to support my family. One day I hope we get equal treatment just like the white man.


 Today we read a few pages of a book called fences. We learned that fences can be used in a metaphorical way. Fences keep thing in or out, jus like you could build a fence around your heart to keep it from breaking.

The Black Family



 Today I had no missing work/ makeup work so I did some other work from other classes and then had free time to myself. We had to stay in Ms. Frambro’s class.